Stress often leaves us feeling like we are unable to cope. With so many things to juggle in life, it's not surprising that from time-to-time things can begin to feel stressful. There can be a million reasons why a person is dealing with stress. Whether it's work, family or personal life, stress can creep in at any moment.
People don’t always realize that stress can affect our bodies both mentally and physically. Some physical symptoms can include high blood pressure, digestive issues and sleep problems. Some of the mental symptoms of stress include feelings of dread, loneliness and a busy mind. For some, it can be a continuous cycle with the mental symptoms affecting the physical and vice versa.
With a more open dialogue about mental health, it’s about time a shift took place in the way we look after ourselves. As soon as something stressful happens, we are living in 'fight or flight'. If we are unable to calm our stress response down, then our nervous system is unable to cope. If our nervous system is unable to cope, we can get physically and mentally sick. Stress symptoms start to appear. We are now living in a stress cycle.
So how do we stop the stress cycle and take control of our lives? The simple answer is mindfulness. If stressful situations arise, we must take a moment to pause. We can do this by grounding ourselves and bringing ourselves into the present moment. Breathwork, meditation and gratitude have all become popular mindfulness practices.
The mindfulness practice of breathwork is gradually becoming more and more popular. Breathwork is an umbrella term for bringing focus to your breath. It can be a gentle inhale and exhale through the nose. Or more rigorous fast-paced breathing in and out through the mouth. There are hundreds of benefits to practicing breathwork. Some physical benefits include improved sleep, the release of toxins, and the lowering of the stress hormone cortisol. The mental benefits of breathwork are a quietened mind. Breathwork will also help you to feel centred, calm and safe within your body.
Here are some simple breathwork techniques you can try today to help reduce stress:
5x5 Breathing Technique
When we’re in a stress response our breathing becomes fast. This breathing technique helps to slow our breathing down and bring us into a relaxed state.
To practice the 5x5 breathing technique, find a comfortable position seated or lying down. Breathe in through your nose and slowly count to five. Exhale, breathing out through your nose, slowly counting to five. Keep breathing to this rhythm for about 5 minutes. Once completed, take a moment to notice how you are feeling.
4-7-8 Breathing Technique
If we go to bed stressed, we’ll wake up feeling stressed. The 4-7-8 breathing technique is an incredible technique to do before bedtime. It will create a feeling of calmness in your body. You will experience a deeper sleep and you will be less likely to wake up feeling stressed.
Begin the 4-7-8 breathing technique lying comfortably in your bed. Breathe in through your nose and count to four. Immediately hold your breath for the count of seven. Exhale either through your nose or through your mouth for the count of eight. Repeat this technique for about 5 minutes. Once completed, return to gently breathing in and out through your nose and out through your nose.
Box Breath
When we suffer from stress, it’s often difficult to quieten a busy mind. Practicing box breath every morning will help your mind feel more focused.
Start by finding a comfortable place to sit. Inhale through your nose for the count of four. Hold your breath for the count of four. Exhale all the air out through your nose for the count of four. Hold your breath for the count of four. Breathe in again for the count of four. Repeat for a minimum of 5 minutes.
Practicing breathwork for mindfulness regularly can lead to increased self-awareness, reduced stress, improved concentration, and a greater sense of overall well-being. It’s a simple yet powerful way to connect with the present moment and reduce stress in your mind and body.

Katie Hart is a certified breathwork and reiki practitioner. Her trauma-informed training helps people to transform their lives and free them from anxiety. This is so they can live a life that is empowered, confident and worthy. She offers both one-to-one and group support. Join her Facebook community full of mindfulness tips, tricks and exercises. It’s a space where people feel a little less alone. In the Facebook group, you can also be guided in mindfulness practices by Katie in weekly lives. You can join by clicking this link: